A directory website is a great way to attract visitors to your website and boost your SEO. Directory websites are designed to help people find information about specific topics or products.
Be it for business purpose to create awareness about your product or just a hobby project for your blog, directory websites serve a great purpose.
With Notion and Bullet you don’t have to spend weeks on building a successful directory site. It can be created and published within a day!
Why should you create your directory site with Notion and Bullet?
Would you rather spend a few weeks creating a directory site by adding all the content manually; editing each page individually; adding images; setting up the UI; and publishing all the pages separately? Or would you duplicate a template into Notion; add content; sync it with other products; and publish 100+ pages together? We know which one we would choose.
Content lives in Notion You don’t have to rely on Bullet or any other website builders or publishing platforms with your content. All your content lives forever in Notion. Easily add, update and edit every product on the go.
Liquid syntax All new liquid syntax is a magic mantra with which you can convert your Notion database into a beautiful directory website. Combine this with synced blocks from Notion and your site is good to go!
Beautiful templates Bullet has ready-made directory templates to make your job easier than ever. Just duplicate a template to your Notion page, add your products and publish it today.
Host your way Be it for your professional or personal brand, you can host your directory site as a domain, sub-domain or subdirectory just the way you prefer.
3 simple steps to publish your directory site today
Duplicate a pre-built template from Bullet to your Notion workspace
Customize & Copy
Customize the template to your brand copy the public url
Paste the public notion url in your Bullet dashboard and Publish