How to use Notion as CMS?

Unlock the potential of Notion as a CMS platform and get into our guide to learn how to optimize your workflow.

May 10, 2024
How to use Notion as CMS?
Picture this: You're ready to update your website with fresh content, but the thought of navigating through endless menus and dealing with complex formatting makes you want to pull your hair out.
That's where Notion comes in. Notion acts as a CMS (Content Management System), making it easy for you to manage your content with its user-friendly interface. It's not just easy to use, but also incredibly flexible. You can add pictures and videos effortlessly to make your content stand out.
What sets Notion apart is its adaptability—it transforms to meet your specific requirements, whether you're crafting blogs or designing product pages. With Notion, your work becomes more manageable, ensuring your sanity remains intact amidst the chaos of content creation.

Understanding Notion

Notion is a versatile productivity tool that combines note-taking, task management, and database functionalities in one platform. Its intuitive interface and robust features make it an ideal choice for managing content effectively.

Key Features

Notion boasts several key features that make it a powerful CMS:
  • Blocks: The building blocks of Notion, allowing you to create various types of content.
  • Databases: Dynamic data organization tools that enable you to store and manipulate structured information.
  • Content-specific Templates: Pre-designed templates for different content types, like blog posts, landing pages, and more.
  • Integrations: You can effortlessly embed PDFs and other file types directly into your workspace.

How Notion is better other than traditional CMS

Notion is a versatile tool that can be used as a content management system (CMS) for certain types of projects or organizations. Here are some reasons why people might choose Notion as a CMS:
  1. Flexible Content Management: Notion allows you to organize content in various formats, including text, images, files, and databases. This flexibility can be useful for organizing and managing different types of content.
  1. Ease of Use: Notion has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to create, edit, and organize content. This can be particularly appealing for teams that need a simple and intuitive CMS.
  1. Collaboration Features: Notion offers collaboration features that make it easy for teams to work together on content. Users can leave comments, tag team members, and track changes, making it easier to collaborate on projects.
  1. Integration Capabilities: Notion integrates seamlessly with PDFs and other files, streamlining workflows and managing content across platforms.
  1. Customization Options: Notion allows you to customize your workspace with different templates, themes, and layouts. This can help you create a CMS that fits your specific needs and preferences
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Setting Up Notion as CMS

Getting started with Notion as CMS is easy. First, you'll need to create a Notion account if you haven't already done so. Once logged in, you can create a workspace specifically for managing your content. This workspace will serve as the central hub for all your content-related activities.

Designing Your Content Structure

One of the key aspects of using Notion as a CMS is designing your content structure. This involves creating pages and sub-pages to organize your content effectively.
Additionally, you can use various content blocks such as text, images, and multimedia to enhance your content. Notion's powerful database feature allows you to create structured content with ease.

Managing Content in Notion

Once you've set up your content structure, it's time to start adding and managing your content in Notion. You can easily add and edit content directly within Notion's intuitive interface.
Collaboration is also seamless, allowing team members to work together on content creation and editing. Plus, Notion's version history feature ensures that you can track changes and revert to previous versions if needed.

Customizing Your CMS

Notion offers plenty of customization options to tailor your CMS to your specific needs. You can create templates for recurring content types, integrate Notion with other tools and services, and take advantage of advanced features such as formulas and filters for enhanced functionality.

Managing users and permissions

Notion allows you to collaborate with others by inviting them to your workspace. You can set permissions to control who can view or edit certain parts of your website, ensuring that only authorized users have access to sensitive information.

Integrations with other tools

Notion integrates seamlessly with a variety of other tools, allowing you to automate workflows and streamline your processes. You can effortlessly embed PDFs and other file types directly into your workspace that enhance your productivity

Publishing Your Content

Once your content is prepared in Notion, you're presented with several avenues for its publication.
You have the option to export it in various formats, whether directly to the web, sharing it via links or email with others, or embedding it seamlessly on websites and blogs using Notion's embed feature. This flexibility streamlines the distribution of your content across diverse platforms and channels.
However, it's worth noting that the URL generated by Notion consists of a string of letters and characters that might not be optimal for SEO purposes. But fret not, as you can enhance this by integrating your custom domain through third-party tools such as,, and others.

Best Practices for using Notion as CMS

Consistent Content Updating

Regularly updating content is essential for maintaining relevance and engagement. Notion's collaborative features make it easy for teams to keep content up to date, ensuring that users always have access to the latest information.

Backup and Version Control

Backing up content and implementing version control procedures are crucial for safeguarding against data loss and maintaining content integrity. Notion offers built-in version history and backup features, allowing users to revert to previous versions of their content if needed.

Utilizing Templates and Workflows

Taking advantage of Notion's templates and workflows can streamline content creation and management processes. Users can create custom templates for different types of content and establish standardized workflows to ensure consistency and efficiency.

Collaborative Practices

Encouraging collaboration among team members fosters creativity and productivity. Notion's collaborative editing features make it easy for teams to work together in real-time, whether they're brainstorming ideas, editing drafts, or reviewing feedback.

Notion as CMS: Real-Life Examples

Notion's flexibility as a workspace has led to creative uses as a CMS (Content Management System) for various websites. Here are some real-life examples:
  • Blogs: Many bloggers leverage Notion for content creation. They structure their blog posts as database entries, allowing for easy organization and updates. You can also use other kinds of notion based tools like, which helps you to pull your content to build a dynamic blog website.
  • Company websites: Small businesses can use Notion to manage their website content. They can create separate databases for team members, products, or FAQs, and link them together for a cohesive website experience.
  • Documentation websites: Notion's clean interface makes it perfect for building documentation websites. Teams can create detailed guides, tutorials, or product manuals using Notion's rich text editor and embed features. The content can then be published through integration tools or exported for use elsewhere.
  • Personal portfolios: Freelancers or creatives can use Notion to showcase their work. They can set up project pages with descriptions, images, and links, all within Notion. By making the workspace public, they create a simple yet effective portfolio website.
These are just a few examples, and Notion's potential as a CMS continues to grow. By exploring integrations and getting creative with its features, users can build various websites using Notion as their content hub.


In conclusion, Notion offers a robust set of features and functionalities that make it an excellent choice for managing content effectively as a CMS.
By leveraging its flexibility, collaboration tools, and integrations, you can create a seamless content management experience for your team or organization.
Whether you're blogging, managing projects, or building a knowledge base, Notion has you covered. Start exploring its possibilities today and unlock new levels of productivity and efficiency in your content management workflows.