Notion as a blogging platform: Pros and Cons

Dive into the world of blogging with Notion! Discover the perks and pitfalls, and find out if it's your ideal creative space for content.

Jan 2, 2024
Notion as a blogging platform: Pros and Cons
Whether you're a budding writer, an experienced blogger, or a professional aiming to share expertise, Notion offers a plethora of features that can enhance your blogging experience significantly.
Within this guide, we will delve into...
  1. Why to use Notion for Blogging
  1. Pros & Cons of Notion in blogging platform.
Let jump right into it.

Notion as Blogging Platform

Notion serves as a superb content management system. It is ideal for crafting personal or business blogs. It empowers you to craft shareable web pages featuring headings, text, images, and videos, with flexible arrangement options.
You can dive into Notion directly or use third-party tools like ,, Feather, to start a blog using notion, The third party tools allow you to easily publish your blogs in a flexible and user-friendly manner!

Why use Notion for Blogging

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Notion offers numerous advantages that contribute to its attractiveness as a blog management tool.
  1. Effortless Organization: Notion provides a range of organizational tools, including tags, folders, pages, and sub-pages, allowing for the systematic arrangement of extensive content and information.
  1. Highly Customizable: All the third part tools offer a variety of templates for a quick start and allows for a high degree of customization. Users can tailor it to meet their specific needs. However, this flexibility can be both advantageous and challenging.
  1. Seamless Collaboration: Notion excels in collaborative work settings. Sharing content with team members is effortless. This enhancs the platform's effectiveness when used for group projects or teamwork.
  1. Potential of Notion AI: Notion AI helps to generate blog post intros, outlines, bullet points, even entire drafts based on your prompts, saving you time and beating writer's block.

Pros of Notion

Notion provides numerous advantages to its users. Here are some of the positive aspects of utilizing Notion:
  • All-in-one Platform : Notion provides a dedicated space for writing, organizing content, scheduling posts, and managing comments, eliminating the necessity for multiple tools.
  • Flexibility and customization: You enjoy full control over the layout and design, enabling the creation of an engaging blog experience.
  • Content Organization: Databases and filters allow you to categorize posts based on topics, dates, or any other criteria, ensuring easy navigation and retrieval.
  • Enhanced collaboration: You can invite guest writers, editors, or team members to collaborate on posts. This helps in streamlining the publishing process.
  • Multimedia integration: You can enrich your blog content by seamlessly embedding images, videos, audio clips, and other interactive elements.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The free version of Notion provides ample features for basic blogging needs, while the third party plans offer additional features at a reasonable price.

Cons of Notion

Although Notion is a robust tool with various advantages for its users, it comes with certain drawbacks that you should be aware of before determining whether to adopt it. Here are some of the disadvantages of using Notion:
  • Overwhelming to use: A primary drawback of Notion is its potential to be overwhelming for users. The abundance of diverse blocks and templates can create confusion about where to begin, posing a challenge to efficiently navigate and utilize Notion, particularly for those new to the platform.
  • No built-in analytics: Notion doesn't provide any built-in analytics tools to track your blog's performance. This means you'll need to rely on third-party to understand your traffic, engagement, and audience demographics.
  • Limited Mobile App & Integration: Notion's mobile app is less feature-rich than its desktop version, limiting functionality for mobile-dependent users. The platform also has fewer integrations, posing a disadvantage for those requiring extensive app and service connections.
  • Limited Design Options: While Notion offers some customization options, the design flexibility is not as extensive as dedicated blogging platforms. You might struggle to achieve a highly polished look for your blog without using third party tools.
  • Domain and Branding Constraints: Using Notion for blogging may result in URLs that include "," which may not be as professional or brand-friendly as a custom domain. Some users might prefer a more polished and branded domain for their blog.
  • SEO Limitations: Notion is not optimized for search engine optimization (SEO) in the same way traditional blogging platforms are. It may be more challenging to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic to your blog.

How to Tackle the cons of Notion Blogging Platform

Notion's blogging platform has its drawbacks, but with Notion-based website builders like, you can fix them. These tools let you publish your blog with a custom domain and custom design giving you the flexibility to choose the perfect domain name.
When you use a third-party blogging platform, you can really enhance your blog and make it look pro.
They've got your back with built-in SEO features like meta descriptions and keyword tools, making sure your blog gets noticed by the search engines. It also includes built-in analytics for insights into your audience. Many users have achieved great success using Bullet for their blogging. Here’s a review of one such success story:
“Bullet is a Wordpress replacement and blogging platform, Product that you don't have to use just, works in the background.” - Puneet, Co-Founder @ Sahayak


Blogging with Notion is like stepping into a playground of creativity and endless possibilities! The interface is super user-friendly, and the collaborative features and tools make it a breeze to create visually stunning blog posts that really pop. Sure, there are a few drawbacks, but despite that, Notion is the go-to platform for many bloggers out there. It's just that good!