How to build a knowledge base and everything you need to know about one.

This blog helps you to develop a knowledge base which covers all essential steps.

Sep 28, 2023
How to build a knowledge base and everything you need to know about one.
Did you know that almost 63% of customers start with a search through a company’s online resources before ever turning to a support rep.
When we search in the internet, we seek quick answers and trust those who provide reliable information. To make it easy for their customers, companies build online knowledge bases.
Building a knowledge management system is important to develop trust between you & your clients. A robust knowledge base benefits your business by improving customer service. It also builds trust with potential customers while improving experience for both customers and employees.
Let's get started to help you create a knowledge base and make the most of it.

What is Knowledge Base

Knowledge bases are digital libraries containing detailed information about a particular product. It comprises of product details, service, or company, accessible to both customers & employees.
You likely arrived at this article through a well-known knowledge base.
I'm referring to Google, which has established as the internet's ultimate knowledge base. It provides information on everything and offers an excellent user experience to millions of users.
Knowledge bases must be accessible to both Machines and Humans. So that computers can access and use this data to offer answers to any requester and humans can understand the information with ease.
When generating knowledge base strategy, always consider the customer:
  • What information are they seeking?
  • What potential issues might they encounter?
The content that comprises a knowledge base should consist of the answers you come up with.

The Importance of a Knowledge Base

It is very important for your company to establish its own knowledge base. Here are several significant reasons about their remarkable effectiveness.
Why Knowledge Base is important
Why Knowledge Base is important

Beneficial for reps

Knowledge bases provide a valuable benefit to employees who represent a company. With the help of articles, customers can stay up-to-date with the latest information about the company's products & services.
By incorporating a knowledge base, customers will be able to solve problems their own instead of reaching out to a support agent. This becomes helpful for customer service representatives by reducing the burden on them.

Easy Accessibility

According to HubSpot Research, 90% of consumers wants an "immediate" response from organization. In simple terms, the speed at which a response given is crucial.
According to HubSpot Research, 90% of consumers wants an "immediate" response from organization. In simple terms, the speed at which a response given is crucial.
Companies need to expand their knowledge bases and make information accessible . This is crucial for attracting and retaining customers.
If customers can't find the information they need, they will look for alternatives. So you should Make sure your knowledge base provides comprehensive answers to customer queries.

Includes all type of content

Knowledge bases allow you to improve your online presence by storing huge content that anybody can access.
Quality content will not only increases your ranking chances on Google, it will also build trust online. This can lead to more consumers and better income.

Ease to build

It does not need a seasoned web developer to create a comprehensive knowledge base.
There are several tools out there that are exclusively designed to help companies build knowledge bases, some paid and some free. You can also build one on your own if you have the technical expertise.
I've broken down the procedure into basic phases so you may build your own knowledge base.

How to build Knowledge Base?

Steps to develop Effective Knowledge Base
Steps to develop Effective Knowledge Base

1. Start with the Design

When building a knowledge base, it's important to start with the design. A well-designed knowledge base should focus on user-friendliness and simple navigation. Consider organizing information using categories & tags to make it easier for users to find what they're looking for.
By starting with a thoughtful and user-centric design, you can create an engaging knowledge base. This enhances the customer experience and helps address their questions and concerns seamlessly.

2. Choose your topics

It can be challenging to determine the most relevant topics for your customers. Simply, Guessing their needs won't suffice, but there are ways to gather valuable insights. One effective strategy is reviewing past customer support requests.
Identify common issues and questions that come up consistently. Also, analyze customer reviews to address any recurring concerns.
Explore platforms such as Reddit and Quora, where users seek human insights instead of automated responses. Engaging in these discussions can inspire content ideas for your knowledge base.

3. Establish Content Creation

Creating content for your knowledge base requires identifying the necessary content types. These may include FAQs, how-to guides, troubleshooting articles, and more. Maintain consistency by setting style guidelines.
Assign roles and responsibilities for content creation and maintenance to distribute the workload. Regularly review and update content to ensure accuracy and relevance. These steps establish a strong foundation for your knowledge base's content creation process.

4. Include Visuals

The incorporation of visuals like images, videos or infographics enhances retention. These visual elements make the knowledge base more engaging. It also helps to break up lengthy text for easier understanding.
You can enhance user navigation by including screenshots. It is important to ensure that the visuals are relevant, clear, & high quality. This creates an appealing, informative knowledge base tailored to your audience.

5. Keep Your Knowledge Base on Brand

Make sure it matches your brand's tone, language, & style, both in content & design to create a strong knowledge base. Customization is the key to meeting your brand's needs.
Training your team to stick to brand guidelines is crucial for maintaining consistency. This ensures a seamless customer experience in line with your brand's image & values.

6. Follow Accessibility Standards

The information found on your knowledge base acts like a user manual for your company and its products. So, it's crucial to ensure accessibility. Consider the following to enhance accessibility.
  • Keep certain page elements, like the search bar, consistent across pages.
  • Provide alt text for every image.
  • Ensure that all pages are navigable for individuals who rely on a keyboard.

7. Add or Update Your Knowledge Base Regularly

It is important to keep your knowledge base up to date and aligned with product updates. Outdated content will negatively impact your authority and discourage potential customers. Focus on creating high-quality, current knowledge rather than focusing on quantity.
Simply Put, Start by identifying the information your audience needs. Organize your knowledge base into categories for easy navigation. Create clear and concise articles with accurate information. Keep it updated regularly.

Top tools to build a Knowledge Base

There are a variety of tools available to help you develop a knowledge base. The best tool for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. There are free tools available.
Here are some of the most popular knowledge base tools:
  1. is is a free and easy-to-use knowledge base software that is well-suited for small businesses and teams. It offers a variety of features, including an attractive user-interface, pre-made templates, SEO Optimization, and a drag-and-drop interface powered by notion.
  1. Zendesk Guide is a knowledge base tool that is included with Zendesk's help desk software. It is a powerful and feature-rich tool that is well-suited for enterprise businesses. It offers a variety of features, including a WYSIWYG editor, drag-and-drop interface, search engine optimization (SEO) tools, and analytics.
  1. Confluence is a knowledge base software that is designed for teams and enterprise businesses. It offers a variety of features, including a WYSIWYG editor, drag-and-drop interface, version control, and collaboration tools.
  1. Notion is a note-taking and project management tool that can also be used to create knowledge bases. It is a versatile tool that can be used to create a variety of different content formats, including articles, wikis, and databases.


Developing a knowledge base is essential for delivering valuable customer support. It streamlines service, enhances user experience, and promotes self-help.
Select relevant content, structure articles well, and use visuals. Maintain accuracy through regular updates, check performance, and strive for continuous improvement.
A well-managed knowledge base fosters exceptional customer support and strengthens audience relationships.