Managing images

Managing images in Notion

Any image that you upload in Notion will be optimized before rendering in the website.

How Bullet optimizes images in the background?

The images you upload in Notion will be automatically converted into WebP and AVIF format. If the requesting browser supports AVIF we deliver the image in AVIF format. If the browser does not support AVIF, images will fall back to WebP. And if there is no support for WebP, then we will serve compressed files in the original format.

Converting images as Links

Add a link as a caption to the image, and the image will be rendered as a clickable link to that URL.

Adding alt text for images.

You can add any text as image caption, and that caption will be added as alt text automatically.
However, if you want have an alt text, and still have a link or if you want a different image caption than that of alt text, then follow the advanced image control attributes below.

Advanced image control attributes

You can use advanced image attributes inside of image caption. These image control attributes, while not visible on the website, serve as meta properties that enable precise image management.
Some of the attributes are:
notion image
  • :link=””
    • Helps to convert image as a clickable link.
  • :alt=”Notion logo Glossy”
    • This is used to add alt text to the image
  • :height=”120px”
    • Change the height of the image
  • :width=”180px”
    • Change the width of the image
  • :loading=”eager”
    Remember these image attributes will be given in the image caption of your Notion page , but they won't show up on your website.