Setting up a multilingual Site

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Multiple languages for your Website

The Multilingual Sites feature in Bullet lets you build websites in multiple languages. You can assign language tags to specific parts of your site, making it easy for visitors to navigate in their preferred language.
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To set up multilingual content for your site, follow these steps:

1. Enabling the Multilingual Feature

  • In your dashboard, go to Settings > General Settings of your site.
  • Toggle the “This is a multi-lingual site” option to enable the feature.

2. Adding Languages & Assigning Paths

Once the multilingual feature is activated:
  • Click “Add Language” and select the languages you want to support.
  • Assign language tags to specific pages by defining a path in the language settings.
Understanding Path Property & Labels
  • Language Label: This is the name displayed in the language switcher. For example, adding "Español" (Spanish) as a label will show it in the language switcher menu.
  • Path Property: This determines which section of your site appears in a specific language.
    Example:If you set /es as a path for Spanish,
    • Language switcher menu will point to /es when clicked on that Language.
    • All the pages under /es (like /es/blog, /es/about) will have the HTML lang=”es” tag set, so that Google understands this part of the website is in Spanish.

3. Customizing Navigation & Footer for Each Language

Each language can have its own custom navbar and footer.
  • Once you add a new language as mentioned above, navigate to your Navbar options, and you will see the option to configure language-specific navbar.
  • Example:
    • For English, your navbar may have: Home | Blog | Contact
    • For Spanish, you can customize it as: Inicio | Blog | Contacto
Preview of Multilingual Navbar & Language Switcher:
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4. Saving & Publishing Changes

  • Click Save after setting up languages, paths, and navigation.
  • Click Publish to apply the changes to your live site.
Once published, a globe icon will appear in the top-right corner of your site. Visitors can click it to switch between available languages, displaying only the content assigned to their selected language.
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For a detailed, step-by-step guide on creating a multilingual site, check out our blog.